It's FINALLY here, my favorite time of the year! If they made a countdown chocolate calendar for Mumvember like they do for Christmas I would just be in total heaven! It's no secret that our coveted Chrysanthemum collection is my favorite bloom but sometimes I feel like I just don’t get the opportunity to sing all the praises they deserve or to really do them justice by sharing their credible story, value, and promise they offer to virtually all of us.

Last year we hosted our first-ever Mum Summit and Showcase and this year we have worked hard to offer even more! I'm so excited to share with you these two very important events we are concurrently hosting and why they mean so much to me.

Mum Showcase is an amazing opportunity to visit the farm. We will open up exclusively for Mum Showcase on November 4th from 10 am-3 pm where you can stop in and explore the beauty of the mums first hand. With our farm team and the esteemed Dave Dowling of Ball Horticulture on deck to answer questions and guide you through the labeled varieties in 3 different growing houses you are sure to find at least a few favorites for your home.

Abby Chick with Blakemores will be flexing her artistic muscles adorning our 12ft tall LOVE sign with our favorite blooms and then hosting an arrangement design demonstration with the mums. We will keep your bellies fed with amazing food available from Scruffy Bakes and of course, there will be a full mum bouquet bar to take home an armload of blooms and the ability to purchase early-release mums for the 2024 growing season!
If y'all know anything about me, you know how much I love my mums. Come let me convert you into a mum fanatic like the rest of us!
XOXO, Jess