The Mum Directory

Picking a favorite might be impossible. 

Whenever someone asks us what our favorite flower is, we usually say "it depends on the season." But in all honesty, it's the mums. With an infinite range of color, texture, and shape, the chrysanthemums are hands down our favorite crop of the year - and the one we're most proud of. The finale crop to our growing season, the mums are an inspiring reminder that great things are worth the wait.

We have been collecting our favorite heirloom mum varieties for over a decade and propagate our crops each year from over 300 varieties of mother mum plants. In January, we release our Mum Garden Boxes, which are a hand-selected mix of our favorite mum plants. To receive alerts on when our mum boxes are available, click here to sign up for The Mum Project Monthly!

Images Coming Soon!

We've added quite a few mums to our collection this year and we'll be adding photos of these varieties as they bloom! 

Adorable - Alexander - Amarintha - Anderton - AOI - Autumn Beauty - Autumn Delight - Autumn Fire - Balas - Bell O' the Ball - Bess Witt - Best Regards - Betty Lou - Bill Holden - Black Hawk - Blushing Bride - Bolo De Oro - Brista - Bristol White - Bronze Fleece - Bronze Giant - Buff Rayonnante - Bunker Hill - Carousel  - Chelsea - Chidori - Cisco - Cloverlea Star  - Coral Daisy - Debutante - Dorothy Degn Downpour - Equinox -  Fairweather Apricot - Fen Bai Mao Cl - Fireball - Fireflash First Light - Frosty Time - Gillette - Gold Country - Goldfield Golden Rain - Goldilocks - Happy Face - Happy Place - Harold Lawson - Harry Anderson - Harry Gee Salmon - Hatsune - High Regards - Honey - Ice Crystal - Irish Linen - James Bryant - Joyce Fountain - Kermit - King's Delight - Kokka Hougiku - Kokka No Waza - Lava - Lavendar Pixie - Lily Anderton - Lipstick - Little Rascal  - Lola - Lonestar - Louisiana - Love - Mankato - Margaret Shoesmith - Matchsticks - McKinley - Melody - Midnight - Minnopher - Minnpink - Minnqueen - Miss Goldie - Moon Beam - Mount Shasta - Mystic - Natalini - Nightengale - One Scoop - Oregon City  - Oriential Knight - Pat Lawson - Pat Lehman - Patricia Grace - Peach Venice - Pearl Celebration - Peggy Stevens - Pilgrim Red Burron - Pink Cadillac - Pink Duke - Pink Duke of Kent - Pink Fleece - Pink Pagoda - Piranga - Poise - Polar Anderton - Powder River - Prairie Sun - Primerose Jesse Habgood - Primrose Mt. Shasta - Primrose Supreme - Purple Doreen Hall - - Purple Prince - Purple Waters - Quarterback - Radiant Time - Rage - Ralph Lambert - Raspberry Festival Rebecca Walker - Redwing - Romany - Rose Blush - Rose My Love - Rosedew - Saba - Saga Nishiki - Saga No Izumi - Saga No Yuki - Sally San Ramon - Satin Ribbon - Seaton's Galaxy - Seaton's Goldfinger - Seizan - Senkyo Kenshin - Seventh Heaven - Seychelles - Shamrock - Shelbers - Shirley Primrose - Small Wonder - Snowscape - Stadium Queen - Sunspot - Suzanne Etheridge - Tangelo - Ticonderoga - Torchsong - Touchdown - Trendy Time - Vienna Waltz - Violet Cymbal - Vyron - West Bromwhich - White City - Whoolman's Venture - Wind Dancer - Wisp of Pink - Woolman's Century - Woolman's Glory - Woolman's Red Glory - Zena - Yellow Billy Bell - Yellow Giant - Yellow Knight - Yodogimi - Zaryah - Zembla Lime - Zisterers Overton