There are so many babies on the farm right now. It’s a full dose of spring. Growing up on a farm with animals, I always loved spring babies. It was always fun to see the little lambs jumping around hearing the baby birds chirping and finding new life left and right. A flower farm really isn't much different except most of our babies come in the form of plants and seedlings springing to life. It’s been a while since I could give a real, honest Crop Report. But after a long winter, I’m finally checking on the greenhouses on a day-to-day basis to see what new things are sprouting from the ground, and even better I get to report back to you on all the spring growth!

The anemone and ranunculus have slowly begun to bloom, giving us our long-awaited dose of color. The poppies won't be long either it seems almost overnight that the pods showed up and have begun to stretch for the sky. I just can't wait to see those first blooms pop open from the helmets that protect them.

We have tucked in the baby lisianthus that has been quietly growing and this year looks to be one of the healthiest stands to date. But the houses aren't the only places we see signs of life. The daffodils, forsythia, and flowering quince, and pussy willow are all in bloom on the farm giving the landscape the joy it needs with some pops of color again. It’s so nice to see some signs of life again. The daffodil season is also just beginning, which means we get to enjoy the parade of different blooms for weeks to come and I'm so here for it. Out in the Perennial Field the lupine is also popping up left and right along with some of the other baby perennials in the rows which is reassuring after a brutally hard winter. The fall direct seeded babies look so good with lots of larkspur and bachelor button babies holding on and soaking up the spring sun. Life is growing and showing up!

As we begin to tuck in countless spring babies the, bigger question becomes where will we put them all. Even with careful planning and lots of measuring I always end up with extra plants and not as much space as I thought- the true gardener’s dilemma. We are filling spaces we haven't used in a while and cramming things a little closer to make room for all the babies. All I keep thinking is how pretty the farm is going to be in a few months.

XOXO, Jess