I feel like I need to start this crop report letting everyone know that the world did not end last week because the ranunculus died. I know we are all REALLY upset but team I need you all to know it WILL be ok.
The farm crew was shocked at the outcry over last week's crop report announcing the death of our beloved 2024 Ranunculus crop. We just didn't expect you all to be just as vested in the flowers as we are here and it reminded us that we aren't alone in this sometimes isolating world.
You guys called us, you emailed, text and just generally checked in. You offered your help, you picked up an extra sleeve of flowers and you continued to be champions of the farm. Wow. We appreciate how much you CARE because we care about YOU.
And its not all terrible on the farm this spring. The vibrant green of the grass is back almost overnight and the other crops in the tunnels are coming along right on track. While we watch the fat stems of the snapdragons shoot for the sky we can start to hear the familiar sound of poppies exploding out of their caps and oh man you should see the anemone.
Not having the distraction of the Ranunculus means we get to really pause and enjoy some of these less bragged on blooms. I adore these early spring flowers that remind me to cheer up whenever I look down. and I feel spring bursting through my veins as we begin to share these incredible flowers with you. If you want to see how beautiful kindness can bloom
check out the Virginia Love bouquet, seriously one of our all time favorite bouquets because it's the seasonal best of our Virginia flower farm sent with a big ol heap of Shenandoah Valley Love!
While we have a few weeks to keep ourselves distracted over the ranunculus loss there are plenty of projects happening to keep us busy. Just wait until next week when I share some big and I mean BIG chrysanthemum news.
Happy Spring Yall~