The Crop Report

The Crop Report | Return Assessment

The Crop Report | Return Assessment

It's kind of weird to write the Crop Report after not being at the farm for a week, so I don’t have much to report on. I returned late Tuesday when it was too dark to make the rounds outside of my house, which is just like I left it -  In the middle of a major remodel. While we still only have a roughed-out bathroom, I did spot some new floor tiles and I hear rumors that I might have finished ones to celebrate by Valentine’s Day. Nothing says “I love you” like a door to a private toilet.

The second the sun peeked over the mountains, I found my overalls and muck boots and dressed for the farm rounds. I quickly discovered that I had come home to an ice rink. There were a few hints on the ‘gram and random text messages but the crispy blanket that coats the farm just can’t be appreciated until you’re busting your tail trying to cross it. I’d hoped the warm weather would follow me from Florida but it didn't. 

The crew kept all the wheels turning and it's been great checking in on different projects and getting caught up with where we are. We are all moving fast and furious in a lot of exciting and new directions to bring the best of our farm to you. February isn't that far away!

I popped into all the houses and found life just as it should be, tucked in from the cold and waiting for spring (like me). Our bottom tunnels are sitting tight in anticipation of warmer weather. The farm crew has worked so hard to get all the rows filled in with plant babies, protected with fabric, and cleaned up for a new season. We have a couple of beds awaiting fresh compost with some tweaks to our layout. These rows will be home to the lisianthus crop that is due in a few weeks.

Fields are tucked in under snow and the landscape is frozen. I'm so glad to be at the end of January. It's not my favorite month, even if I can appreciate the reset it provides the farm. The crew has divided the few tubers we carried over in storage and cataloged the last of the mums we are holding over. We are mapping out plans for tunnel crops, field rotations, and help on the farm. It's going to be such a great place to work and experience with our stellar team at the helm.

The last place I poked into was worth the wait: The FedEx House. I know it gave Steph grief and Mom heartburn to baby this project during an extreme cold snap in my absence, but they did great! The crops look fine and I'm excited to be back at the perfect time when the flowers are starting to really bloom. We are still learning so many new things with this house and there are a lot of kinks we need to iron out but we are doing it together. It feels pretty awesome to come home after such a wonderful family trip to such an incredible environment. Disney might be the most magical place on Earth but Harmony Harvest is the happiest place in the world.

xoxo, Jess

(Steph last week)
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