The Crop Report

The Crop Report | New Year, More Focused Me.
New year new me! Nah I’m still the loud, passionate, flower-filled soul I’ve always been but with some new goals for a new year. The farm is cold but so...
The Crop Report | New Year, More Focused Me.
New year new me! Nah I’m still the loud, passionate, flower-filled soul I’ve always been but with some new goals for a new year. The farm is cold but so...

The Crop Report | The Last Project of 2023
Middle of December folks and Christmas is right around the corner. Here at the farm, we have all compared Christmas recipes and gift ideas while finishing the last of our...
The Crop Report | The Last Project of 2023
Middle of December folks and Christmas is right around the corner. Here at the farm, we have all compared Christmas recipes and gift ideas while finishing the last of our...

The Crop Report | Christmas on the Farm
December on the farm is much busier than you think. Of course, there is the flurry of Christmas greens in the barn turning into wreaths and the visitors to the...
The Crop Report | Christmas on the Farm
December on the farm is much busier than you think. Of course, there is the flurry of Christmas greens in the barn turning into wreaths and the visitors to the...

The Crop Report | Jess Reporting Back for Blog ...
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me. Have you missed seeing The Crop Report? I've missed more than just a few weeks now and poor Catherine was wondering if...
The Crop Report | Jess Reporting Back for Blog ...
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me. Have you missed seeing The Crop Report? I've missed more than just a few weeks now and poor Catherine was wondering if...

The Crop Report | The Killing Kiss of Frostmas
Welp, the killing kiss of Frostmas came. The fields are a frozen snapshot of plant death and the farm landscape has taken on an earthen hue after months of relentless...
The Crop Report | The Killing Kiss of Frostmas
Welp, the killing kiss of Frostmas came. The fields are a frozen snapshot of plant death and the farm landscape has taken on an earthen hue after months of relentless...

The Crop Report | 2023 Mum Showcase
It's FINALLY here, my favorite time of the year! If they made a countdown chocolate calendar for Mumvember like they do for Christmas I would just be in total heaven!...
The Crop Report | 2023 Mum Showcase
It's FINALLY here, my favorite time of the year! If they made a countdown chocolate calendar for Mumvember like they do for Christmas I would just be in total heaven!...