musings from the farmers

The Crop Report

Plastic for the Tunnel!

Plastic for the Tunnel!

Does anyone else feel like the past few weeks have been a total blur? Between Valentine's Day and Spring planning, I can't believe that we are already approaching the end...

The Crop Report

Plastic for the Tunnel!

Does anyone else feel like the past few weeks have been a total blur? Between Valentine's Day and Spring planning, I can't believe that we are already approaching the end...

The Crop Report | It's all about the L - O - V - E

The Crop Report | It's all about the L - O - V - E

It’s the week leading up to Valentine's Day and honestly, it's one of my favorite holidays.  Not because of the flower focus (that's just extra icing on top) but because...

The Crop Report

The Crop Report | It's all about the L - O - V - E

It’s the week leading up to Valentine's Day and honestly, it's one of my favorite holidays.  Not because of the flower focus (that's just extra icing on top) but because...

The Crop Report | Seasons of Life and Love

The Crop Report | Seasons of Life and Love

Sometimes real life trumps farm life, this was one of those weeks. I can’t report on the farm because honestly I haven't been involved. I am blessed to have an...

The Crop Report

The Crop Report | Seasons of Life and Love

Sometimes real life trumps farm life, this was one of those weeks. I can’t report on the farm because honestly I haven't been involved. I am blessed to have an...

The Crop Report | Shop American-grown this Valentine's Day!

The Crop Report | Shop American-grown this Vale...

We made it through the thaw! Man, it was cold on the farm and this seasonally affected chick was feeling it until the weather turned and the temps crept up....

The Crop Report

The Crop Report | Shop American-grown this Vale...

We made it through the thaw! Man, it was cold on the farm and this seasonally affected chick was feeling it until the weather turned and the temps crept up....

The Crop Report | The Perils of Greenhouse Plastic

The Crop Report | The Perils of Greenhouse Plastic

Flower farming can be risky business. The very product we produce is completely dependent on Mother Nature and all of her unknowns. That fear alone keeps a lot of folks...

The Crop Report

The Crop Report | The Perils of Greenhouse Plastic

Flower farming can be risky business. The very product we produce is completely dependent on Mother Nature and all of her unknowns. That fear alone keeps a lot of folks...

The Crop Report | January on the Farm

The Crop Report | January on the Farm

It’s mid-January and we are off to a really solid start here at the farm. In the cold winter months, the farm crew gets acclimated to my whining as we...

The Crop Report

The Crop Report | January on the Farm

It’s mid-January and we are off to a really solid start here at the farm. In the cold winter months, the farm crew gets acclimated to my whining as we...